Look at all that deliciousness in one drop!
Shortly after arriving, how awesome to be asked if I’d like a cup of cappucino!
Made by Jason!
Le Nez du Cafe; a box of aromas to train your senses.
All sorts of new things to learn about! Have my eyes set on that Bonavita variable temp thermal kettle!
Beans from the world. Free Trade / Organic
Roasting, having fun using the 90-kilo Probat roaster from the 1960s. What a beast! Oh and let’s make sure to note, Batdorf and Bronson was green before green was green! 100% renewable. Wow.
Packing station
What a treat! I had been chatting with Jason Dominy from Batdorf and Bronson regarding all things coffee, and he was nice enough to ask if I wanted to swing by to have all my questions answered. A very informative tour that took about an hour; he pretty much set aside as much time as I needed to get all my coffee related questions answered. Also, if you happen to follow him on twitter, he is really quick to reply to your questions! Oh and don’t tell anybody, but not only does he make you an amazing cup of coffee upon arrival, he teaches you how to do it for yourself when back at home – because let’s face it, we don’t have a Jason Dominy to make us delicious cups of coffee at home :(,
A really fun room was definitely the one with all the awesome coffee equipment. Every coffee related item I’ve ever seen and more; the best part of it all? Jason was open to show/tell me what they were all about. My favorite part of the tour was seeing all the workers happy to be there. The interaction between everyone just made you feel even better drinking the amazing coffee that had been roasted right here in Atlanta, Georgia!!
Tips and Tricks:
– Clever Dripper – best tool a home consumer can buy to brew a wonderful and clean cup of coffee
– Use filtered water to brew a more impurity free cup of coffee
– Rinse your filter before use; reduce the filter’s flavor imparting into your java
– Best temperatures for extraction is 195-205 degrees
– Conventional coffee brewing machines never get water to optimal temperatures for extraction
– A Le Nez du Cafe is a cool tool to train your sense of smell; expensive though
– Light, Air, and Moisture strongly reduces the lifespan of roasted coffee
– Best to use a burr grinder; more even grind
– Grounded coffee should be used for brew within a week’s time
– Bloom your coffee! To bloom is to wet the grinds for a short duration, allowing degassing to take place; then, it’s best to pour the remaining water, optimizing water to grounds exposure – imparting more flavor per water.
After the short visit to Batdorf and Bronson, I have to say.. I’m a true believer! Did I mention I didn’t really drink coffee too much previously? And when I did, it was just for the caffeine? Trust me… try it and it’ll change you for the better. If you live in Atlanta, do yourself a favor and setup a tour with Jason. Actually, if you are available Feb 27th or 28th, go check out the Team Hidi tour via Atlanta Culinary Tours. Your favorite coffee guru, Jason, is leading both sessions of coffee 101! Check out the event here. Not only will you learn, you’ll also help an amazing cause!! Read up on Team Hidi, it’ll make you want to do your part; heck, a huge part of great Atlanta based restaurants and businesses are!
Batdorf and Bronson (information gathered 2/2013)
1530 Carroll Dr NW #100,
Atlanta, GA 30318
Mon – Thu 9:00am – 5:00pm (tours only between 7:00 – 10:00am)
Please be advised, all images and content are copyrighted and may not be used without permission. Got questions? Email me: mweats <dot> info <at> gmail <dot> com
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