Gurney Drive Hawker Center
Ice Kacang
Cooking Sotong Bakar (BBQ squid)
Sotong Bakar (BBQ squid)
Ladies of Rojak
Everytime without fail, when we go to Penang, we go to the Gurney Drive Hawker Center to eat. It’s just so much fun watching all the people running around buying a dish here and there. It’s actually quite amazing how the hawkers keep track of what goes to who. Highly recommend going here if you have the chance. Really cool place to go eat; huge variety.
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Gurney Drive Hawker Center (information gathered 8/2012)
At the end of Persiaran Gurney you’ll see Gurney Drive Hawker Center. It’s quite close to the Gurney Mall, so in the event you still can’t find it, look for the mall instead.
George Town, Penang, Malaysia
All along the street leading up to the hawker center, there are places to park.
Please be advised, all images and content are copyrighted and may not be used without permission. Got questions? Email me: mweats <dot> info <at> gmail <dot> com
References: Thanks to my family and friends for the tips and info on the food! |
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